Covid-19 & Pregnancy

Expert advice from Laura Cole, Registered Midwife at HealthBay Polyclinic.

Any illness or virus during pregnancy can be a scary time. The uncertainty of COVID-19 brings a lot of extra worry and stress, at a time when women would like to be relaxing and preparing for the arrival of their new baby.

Advice is changing daily, the virus is new and discoveries about it are being made constantly as scientists continue to study it closely. This of course can bring conflicting advice, as people are receiving information at different stages, from different countries, with different approaches to tackling the spread of the virus, or from rumours which spread quickly through social media platforms. Women are always advised to speak to their healthcare professionals, as they will be keeping up to date with the current guidelines in order to keep their patients safe

​Effect on Mother & Baby

Expert opinion is that the fetus is unlikely to become exposed during pregnancy. Tests of amniotic fluid (the water around your baby), cord blood (the blood supply to your baby) and breastmilk from COVID-19 infected mothers were all negative. Currently there is no data to suggest there is an increased risk of miscarriage or pregnancy loss in relation to the virus. The large majority of healthy pregnant women will only experience mild cold/flu like symptoms, cough, fever and some shortness of breath. Keep yourself healthy by taking multivitamins, keeping hydrated and doing some light exercise daily.


A lot of us are living away from home and from our close family and friends and support from them at this time is often well received! Current advice is to avoid all unnecessary travel and some countries have stopped arrivals/departures from specific countries. If you have made arrangements to deliver your baby in your home country, closely monitor the advice from your governments to see if travel dates may need to be adjusted. We have some amazing hospitals here in the UAE, so if plans need to be changed, you will receive excellent care from our obstetricians and midwives. If your loved ones are unable to make it here to support you, it can be very disappointing when they are unable to come. Support is available daily from the Midwives at HealthBay! We can offer advice, feeding support and guidance.


If you have no symptoms of COVID-19, your labour will not be affected, and you should discuss your birth preferences with your obstetrician and the midwives in the hospital so they can take these into consideration when providing your care. There is currently no evidence to suggest you cannot give birth vaginally or that you would be safer having a caesarean birth if you have suspected or confirmed coronavirus. If you believe you may have been in contact with a positive case of COVID-19 or you are showing some symptoms call ahead to the hospital and inform them of this. They may ask you to stay home during early labour if your pregnancy has been uncomplicated, whilst they prepare a room for your arrival. Your obstetrician, midwives and pediatrician will ensure continuous close monitoring of you and your baby. Visitors will be limited (your partner only) but in our well-connected world you can always keep them updated and send them pictures and messages via social media. There is no current evidence to suggest you should need to be separated from your baby after delivery, although guidance may change as knowledge evolves.

At Home

Although there is no current advice placing babies and children in a more vulnerable category, it would still be advised to minimise contact with people to ensure you all stay well during the postnatal period. Frequent hand washing and sanitising are always important during this period, as your babies immune system develops. Friends and family will be so excited to meet your new arrival but they will understand that cuddles can wait until the risks of passing on the virus are lower. However it is important not to feel completely isolated during this time: Take time to care for yourself, read books, watch that TV series you’ve never got round to finishing, draw pictures, listen to happy music and call friends and family often and enjoy newborn cuddles all to yourself! The Midwives at HealthBay are always available for advice in clinic over email or phone if you are unsure about bringing your baby away from your home.

For advice and assistance, please contact us via telephone: 800 4272 and email: